Shaping the Journey
of Emerging Adults
Conversation Starters for Intergenerational Relationships
Christlife Posture
Trusting God's Wisdom

Trusting Basics
Pathways to finding God's trustworthy wisdom.
Belief & Doubt
Should I trust my professor's perspective?
Is God really good? Is He for me?
Trusting in the midst of pain and suffering.
Unanswered questions about Christianity.
Who is to say what is Right or Wrong?
Outlook--Current Cultural Trends.
What am I really trusting to bring satisfaction?
Evaluating how I consume-what do I entrust myself to?
Partial Obedience-Avoiding God’s wisdom in some parts of my life.
What do I believe about what God desires for me relationally?
Are there long term effects of the way I do “relationships” in college?
How should I think about my time?
How do I think about education vs. life experience?
How should I think about the place of technology in life?
Click on any of the underlined sub-topics to choose specific content to explore and discuss in your mentoring times.
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