Shaping the Journey
of Emerging Adults
Conversation Starters for Intergenerational Relationships
Where Do you Want to Grow?
Start by choosing the posture of the Christlife that needs the most growth: Trusting, Submitting or Loving.
Instead of aiming at "right behaviors", let's focus us on pursuing growth in 3 key postures or attitudes modeled for us by Jesus. Growing in these postures will help us to become like Christ from the inside out. He fulfilled the great commandment to love God through trusting and submitting to the Father. He loved others through an active and submitted love. We want to live in a transformative way to become more and more like him!
Trusting God's Wisdom more than my own
Submitting to God's Leadership of my life
Loving Like Jesus Loved in all areas
John 12:49 says, "For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken." Christ's choice to implicitly trust the wisdom of the Father is amazing. Jesus allowed the Father and scripture (for example, read the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4) to define his reality. How confident are you that you are grounded in truth? Do you believe what God says more than what you think or what society tells you? Do you struggle with doubt? Does God's truth orient your values, habits, relationships and priorities? If any of these things are an area of growth for you, click the hyperlinked "TRUSTING GOD'S WISDOM" to choose a topic you want to pursue.
In Mark 14:36, Jesus says “Not my will, but your will”. This statement helps us see Jesus SUBMITTING to the Father's heart and leadership through loving obedience. In perfect humility, Christ allowed the Father to define his identity and purpose. Are you faithful in obedience? Do "submission" or "humility" seem like foreign concepts or negative terms to you? What defines your identity, your allegiances, your relationships? Whose lead do you follow when it comes to how you make choices, use your time, approach transitions in your life or prepare for your future? If any of these things are an area of growth for you, click the hyperlinked "SUBMITTING TO GOD'S LEADERSHIP" to choose a topic you want to pursue.
John 1:14 reminds us that, "... the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness." In trusting and submitting himself fully to God, he was freed up to be LOVING. Jesus loved unselfishly, wisely and lavishly as he extended himself from the love of his Father outward to all people. Are you generous in love? How do you let the Spirit lead you in your relationships with others? Are you facing challenges in relating to friends, family or those that are different from you? Do you have a good grasp on what healthy relating looks like even in the midst of hard conversations or transitions? What about justice and mercy? If any of these things are an area of growth for you, click the hyperlinked "LOVING LIKE JESUS LOVED" to choose a topic you want to pursue.