Shaping the Journey
of Emerging Adults
Conversation Starters for Intergenerational Relationships
Christlife Posture: Submitting to God's Love and Leading
Topic: Why Submission Makes Sense
Suggested Approach: Choose 1 thing from each of the three boxes
OR Choose 1 from Media or Reflection + 1 from Scripture
Media Excursions (Watch/read/listen and be ready to discuss Q's)
Meditate on this image alongside reading Psalm 139. How does it speak to you about the powerful practice of submission?
Video Clip
Prayer of St. Ephrem (St. Francis Cabrini) Meditate/pray along with this video. How do the things St. Ephrem wants to replace in his heart make more sense in experiencing the abundant life than holding on to the one he wants to have replaced? What do you want replaced in your heart?
The Potter (Day of Discovery) As you watch this clip of someone making a clay pot, how does it improve your understanding of the act of submitting to God?
Skit: The Stool (onetimeblind) Why do you think God gives us the choice of whether or not to give him control of our lives?
War with Myself (Acapella). What seems to be the heart's desire of this songwriter even in the midst of his struggles. Think about your own heart’s desire(s). What are they?
The Potter’s Hand (Hillsong) As you take in both the words and the images of this song, what stands out to you about submitting to God as you understand his heart for you?
Multi-Media Devotional
The Lent Project (CCCA Biola) Read the devotional. Note the examples following the statement, “there is power in voluntarily laying down our rights.” Which image meant the most to you? Is there an image you would add? Read the rest of the devotional and think about the power of submitting for God’s sake.
Reflection Options
Journal (Reflect on one or more of these questions)
What or when is it most difficult for you to surrender to the Lord? Thoughts? Actions? Attitudes?
Think of a time you submitted to the Lord’s leadership in your life. Whether it was easy or not, reflect on the outcomes on your life, relationships or perspective on the future.
Quote Interaction (Agree, disagree or otherwise engage with the quote/quotes)
“God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him.” (John Piper, Desiring God). What do you think of this quote? How does it connect with heart submission?
If you believe what you like in the gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself. (Augustine)
Give me the grace [O Lord] to do as You command, and command me to do what You will!... O holy God…when Your commands are obeyed, it is from You that we receive the power to obey them. (Augustine)
If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice? (David Livingstone)
Reading & Reflection from the book, Shaping The Journey of Emerging Adults:
Read Rick’s reflection on submission in his own life in the section “The Courage to Be Christ’s” (pp. 239-240). How have you found courage an important part of submitting?
Mentor: Read the "Self-Reflection Questions" (p. 242) to evaluate your current heart submission.
Explore Scripture
Meditate on one or more of the following passages. Always look them up in context. Take some time to really explore the verse in relation to this topic. What can you learn from these verses about submitting to God's leadership or submission from the heart? Make a note of what you discover to share later. See "Learn More About Ways to Study Scripture" below for help in getting the most out of the verse.
Psalm 19:7-14
Psalm 37:3-7 and Matthew 6:21
Proverbs 3
Isaiah 29:16, 64:8
Mark 7:1-23
Luke 22:39-44
Romans 7:14-8:2
James 1:22-26