Shaping the Journey
of Emerging Adults
Conversation Starters for Intergenerational Relationships
Christlife Posture: Submitting to God's Love and Leading
Topic: Trusting God as I Move Toward Marriage
Suggested Approach: Choose 1 thing from each of the three boxes
OR Choose 1 from Media or Reflection + 1 from Scripture
Media Excursions (Watch/read/listen and be ready to discuss Q's)
Still Image/Photograph
What do you think this symbol is intending to communicate in regard to how Christian marriage is unique? How does that uniqueness need to be nurtured?
Video Clips
Chip and Joanna Gaines (I Am Second) How does the story of their relationship comfort or warn you as you think about marriage? What are some things this couple needed to trust God for in their marriage relationship?
Skit: Marriage Promises (One Time Blind) Does this video bring out any fears you have about marriage? Do you agree with their assessment at the end about what marriage is really about?
The Marriage Prayer (John Waller-smilealways06) In what ways does this song seem different from most love songs? What do you think of the lyrics?
How do Know God’s Will for a Marriage Partner? (Ron Jones) What reasons does the author give for saying that “asking is he or she the right one?” is the wrong question to ask. Do you agree? What helpful principles did you find in this article for trusting God as you move toward marriage?
What Makes a Marriage Christian? (Cindy and Steve Wright). It can be scary to move toward marriage in a society where divorce is commonplace. How do the statistics in this article reassure you? What are the ways successful marriage partners submit to God in their marriage, according to this article?
Reflection Options
Journal (Reflect on one or more of these questions)
In a Guide to Christian Marriage Readiness (M. Fischer), the author suggests if you are thinking about marriage, it would be wise to consider these kinds of questions: Do you feel comfortable discussing each other’s differences? (explain) Are you fully committed to each other and to making your relationship work? (how do you know?) How much time would you be willing to devote to your life partner? Journal your answers to each of those questions.
As you think about marriage, what things are hardest for you to trust God with in regard to: future, maturity of your intended spouse, provision, or other? How have you sought God or the wise counsel of others in the midst of thinking about marrying this person?
Quote Interaction (Interact by agreeing, disagreeing or otherwise engaging with the quote/quotes)
“...we [need to] help people make their marriages beautiful, not amazing. Marriage is about uniting 2 people who are different, who come together and learn the sacred lessons that can only come from loving someone who gets on our very last nerve...this is where grace rushes in. “ Haydn Shaw, Generational IQ
It is commonly accepted among men today that the great danger is to get married too early. The thought of marriage is approached with fear and trepidation, with the threat of what the man will lose mainly in mind. But in the view of Genesis 2 – and in our experience in ministering to singles – the greater danger is what will happen to the man if he doesn’t marry. It is not good for a single man to develop selfish and otherwise sinful habits. It is not good for a man to grow older without the sanctifying influences of a wife and children. It is not good for a man to battle with sexual frustrations. (The same things might be said about a woman, too, but the Bible is specifically talking here about the man.) What is good for a man is to seek a relationship that will blossom into marriage – the sooner in adult life, the better. (Richard and Sharon Philips)
We [should not] make the mistake of thinking that marriage will provide the ultimate satisfaction for which we all hunger. To assume so would be to be guilty of blasphemy. Only God satisfies the hungry heart. Marriage is but one of the channels He uses to enable us to taste how deeply satisfying His thirst-quenching grace can be. (Sinclair Ferguson)
Reading and Reflection from the book, Shaping The Journey of Emerging Adults:
Read the two indented quotes about emerging adulthood (p. 28). What do you think of marriage as a “marker” of adulthood? Why do you think there has been an upward shift in the age young adults get married?
Read the case study with Barb and Sally (pp. 199-201). What do you think Sally wished she would have thought about or talked about with her fiancé before they headed into marriage? What things do you think are important to discuss before you marry someone?
Read the beginning of Chapter 10 (pp. 164-167). What kinds of issues do each of these young adults (Jerry and Molly, Derrick and Rosita, Nicole, and Lisa) need to trust the Lord with as they move toward marriage? What conversations do you think they should have with the person they intend to marry?
Explore Scripture
Meditate on one or more of the following passages. Always look them up in context. Take some time to really explore the verse in relation to this topic. How do these passages speak to trusting God or what to trust God for in a potential marriage partner? Make a note of what you discover to share later. See "Learn More About Ways to Study Scripture" below for help in getting the most out of the verse.
Psalm 37:3-6
Proverbs 19:22
Isaiah 26:3-4
Romans 15:13
2 Corinthians 6:14
Ephesians 5:21
Philippians 1:6
Hebrews 13:4
James 1:5-8